Svetlana Zheludeva list of works

  1. I.A.Kurova, S.I.Zheludeva, M.I.Panin, “Research of a hysteresis Volt-Ampere Characteristics of n-Ge samples with gold and some properties of electric domains at voltages of the smaller critical”, Nauka, Semiconductors, ¹6, ñ.896-899, 1972

  2. I.A.Kurova, S.I.Zheludeva, “About some features of kinetics of a current at deformation and destruction of the electric domain in germanium with gold”, Nauka, Semiconductors, ¹8 ñ.1446-1452, 1974.

  3. V.A.Morozova, S.I.Zheludeva, I.A.Kurova, “About a recombination on repulsion centres Ge with Àu at low temperatures”, Nauka, Semiconductors, ¹10, ñ.1702-1704, 1976.

  4. S.I.Zheludeva, I.A.Kurova, “Research of an impedance of the sample with the under- threshold domain”, Nauka, Semiconductors, ¹10, ñ.1761-1763, 1976.

  5. I.A.Kurova, S.I.Zheludeva, M.I.Panin, “Works of a symposium on physics of plasma and electric instability in solids”, Edition Mintis, 1972

  6. S.A.Semiletov, N.A.Suleimanov, E.V.Rakova, S.I.Zheludeva, I.R.Nuriev, “The heterostructures received by a method molecule-beam epitaxy on mica and niobate of lithium”, Microelectronic, ¹8, ñ.467-470, 1979.

  7. S.A.Semiletov, E.V.Rakova, S.I.Zheludeva "Morphology and structure of PbTe films epitaxially grown on LiNbO3", Thin Solid Films, 66 ð.11-24, 1980.

  8. E.V.Rakova, S.I.Zheludeva, N.A.Suleimanov, “About capture of oxygen by films of tellurium of lead in the course of growth from a molecular bunch”, Theses of reports of VI conference on growth and synthesis processes semiconductor crystals and films (Novosibirsk), ò.2 266, 1982.

  9. S.I.Zheludeva, E.V.Rakova, S.A.Semiletov, N.A.Suleymanov, I.R.Nurijev "Electrical interaction in the system LiNbO3-PbTe", Ferroelectric ,45 part I, ð.1117-1120, 1982.

  10. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, V.G.Kohn,”Angular dependence of a photo-generated voltage at diffraction of X-rays in perfect crystals of semiconductors with ð-n junction”, Preprint IAE 3938/9, 1984.

  11. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, S.I.Konnikov, “Depth position influence ð-n junction on curves a X-ray generated voltage in Bragg's conditions diffractions”, J. Tech. Phys, ò.54, ¹3, ñ.655-657, 1984.

  12. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, V.G.Kohn "The photoelectric voltage excited by X-ray standing waves in semiconductors with a p-n junction", J.Phys.C:Solid State Phys., vol.18, ð. 2287-2304, 1985.

  13. M.Bedzyk, M.V.Kovalchuk, G.Matrerlik, S.I.Zheludeva, B.G.Zackarov, P.Funke, “Supervision interference behaviour of standing X-ray waves at research of an internal photoeffect on Shottky barrier”, DAN, USSR, ¹282, ñ.76-79, 1985.

  14. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, “Extintion problem at studying of the internal photo-effect raised by a standing X-ray wave in semiconductor barrier structures”, Nauka, Semiconductors, V.19, iss.9, p.1597-1604, 1985.

  15. S.I.Zheludeva, B.G.Zackarov, M.V.Kovalchuk, V.G.Kohn, E.A.Sazontov, A.N.Sosphenov, “Possibilities of research of structure of garnets a method of standing X-ray waves”, Crystallography, V. 33, p.1352-1356, 1988.

  16. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, I.Yu.Kharitonov, Yu.Ya.Platonov, N.N.Salashenko, “Fluorescence, photoemission and total external reflexion in multilayered structures”, Theses of reports of III meeting on the All-Union high school program "X-ray", Yerevan, p.201, 1989.

  17. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, I.Yu.Kharitonov, A.D.Akhsakhaljan, Yu.Ya.Platonov, N.N.Salashenko "X-ray standing waves in layered synthetic microstucture. Fluorescence and photoelectron yield measurements", reports of II European conference, Progress in X-ray syncrotronous researches”, Italy, p.475-478, 1989.

  18. S.I.Zheludeva, I.V.Bashelhanov, N.N.Novikova, I.Yu.Kharitonov, L.A.Feigin, V.A.Erohin, “Standing x-ray waves and total external reflection in Langmuir-Blodgett molecular layers and heterostructures on their basis”, Theses of reports of III meeting on the All-Union high school program "X-ray", Yerevan, p.200, 1989.

  19. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, I.Yu.Kharitonov, Yu.Ya.Platonov, A.D.Akhsakhaljan, N.N.Salashenko, “Standing X-ray waves in multilayered synthetic structures”, Technical Physics Letters, V.15, iss.20, p.49-54, 1989.

  20. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, I.Yu.Kharitonov, “The external photo effect excited by X-ray radiation in Bragg-conditions of diffraction and total external reflection in molecular layers Langmuir-Blodgett”, Technical Physics Letter, V.16, iss.14, p.37-42, 1990.

  21. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, I.Yu.Kharitonov, “Standing X-ray waves (an external photo effect) in molecular layers Langmuir-Blodgett”, Theses of II conference “Dynamic dispersion of X-rays in crystals with dynamic and statistical distortions”, Katsiveli, 1990.

  22. S.I.Zheludeva "Structure characterization of organic multilayers by X-ray SW", Theses of I Soviet-Japanese seminar “Crystals characterization by means of X-ray and synchrotron radiation". Kaluga, 1990.

  23. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, S.Lagomarsino, N.N.Novikova, I.V.Bashelhanov, V.E.Erochin, L.A.Feigin, “Observation evanecent and standing x-ray waves in the field of total external reflexion from molecular Langmuir-Blodgett layers”, JETP Letters, ò.52, iss.3, p.804-808, 1990.

  24. S.I.Zheludeva, S.Lagomarsino, N.N.Novikova, M.V.Kovalchuk, F.Scarinci "X-Ray standing waves in Bragg diffraction and in total reflection regions using Langmuir-Blodgett multilayers”, Thin.Solid.Films, 193/194, p.395-400, 1990.

  25. A.E.Voloshin, A.Vermke, G.MKuzmicheva, V.P.Sanygin, A.M.Kvardakov, S.I.Zheludeva, A.N.Sosphenov, “Influence of conditions epitaxial growth on character of the solid solution formed in layers lnSb <Bi>”, Inorganic materials , ¹27, p.21-24, 1991.

  26. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, S.Lagomarsino, N.N.Novikova, F.Scarinci "X-ray standing waves in Bragg diffraction and total reflection regions using Langmuir-Blodgett multilayers", Thin Solid Films, vol.193, p.395-400, 1991.

  27. M.V.Kovalchuk, S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, I.V.Bashelhanov, M.Bedzyk, G.M.Bommarito "Structure investigation of an ultra-thin Langmuir-Blodgett films by an X-ray standing wave excited in an LSM substrate under the Bragg diffraction condition", Works of II international conference "Superficial X-ray and neutron dispersion". Germany, 1991, Springer Proceedings in Physics p.61, 1991.

  28. S.I.Zheludeva "X-ray characterization of LSM and L-B films as optical elements", Symposium theses "Progress in SI use in the USSR", Japan, 1991.

  29. T.Ishikawa, K.Izumi, S.Kikuta, S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova etc., "Investigation of heavy atoms distribution in ultra-thin L-B films by fluorescence study under X-Ray total external reflection", Photon Factory. Activity Report, ¹ 9, p.278, 1991.

  30. M.V.Kovalchuk, S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, I.V.Bashelhanov "A Structural Investigation of an Ultra-Thin Langmuir-Blodgett Film by an X-Ray Standing Wave Excited in an LSM Substrate under the Bragg Diffraction Condition", Proceedings of II International Conference on surface X-ray and neutron scattering, Bad Honnef, June 25-28, 1991.

  31. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, I.V.Bashelhanov, N.N.Salashenko A.D.Akhsakhalyan "Thickness and density determination of ultrathin solid films comprising multilayer X-Ray mirrors by X-Ray reflection and fluorescence study", Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol.63, ¹1, p.1-4, 1992.

  32. N.N.Novikova, S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, A.N.Sosphenov, N.N.Salaschenko “Investigation of heat treatment effects on Ni-C layers composition by long periodic standing wave measurements”, Theses of the 11-international vacuum congress. Holland, 1992.

  33. S.I.Zheludeva “X-ray standing waves in LSM and near total external fluorescence study for characterization of organic layers and ultra-thin metallic films", Theses I of the European symposium “X-ray topography and high-resolution diffraction”, France, 1992.

  34. A.A.Fraerman, Yu.Ja.Platonov, N.I.Polushkin, N.N.Salaschenko, S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, I.V.Bashelhanov, “Study of ultra-thin films in multilayer structures by standing waves and small-angle X-ray scattering techniques”, Theses of conference “Physics of multilayered structures”, USA, 1992.

  35. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov "Structural characterization of ultra-thin Langmuir-Blodgett films by X-ray standing waves fluorescence study", Theses of the international conference " Nonconventional and laser technologies, Moscow, 1992.

  36. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov "Structural characterization of fatty acid and phospholipid LB films under total external reflection", Theses of IV international conference " Biophysics and synchrotron radiation ". Japan, 1992.

  37. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, I.V.Bashelhanov, L.V.Samoilova "X-Ray luminescence of phosphor crystals excited by X-Ray standing waves", J.Phys.: Condens. Matter, ¹4, p. 961-964, 1992.

  38. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, N.N.Salashenko, A.Akhsakhalyan, Yu.Ya.Platonov "New X-Ray methods in characterization of ultra-thin metal films and layer interdiffusion effects under thermal treatment", ICVM-11, France, May 11-14, 1992.

  39. S.I.Zheludeva, Ì.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, V.E.Erokhin, L.A.Feigin “X-Ray total external reflection fluorescence study of heavy atoms distribution in organic layers”, Theses of XIV European crystallographic conference, Holland 1992.

  40. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov "X-Ray standing waves in LSM for characterization of ultra-thin films", J.Phys.D.: Appl.Phys., vol.26, p.A206-A209, 1993

  41. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, V.E.Erochin, L.A.Feigin "X-Ray total external reflection fluorescence study of L-B films on solid substrate", J.Phys.D.: Appl.Phys., vol.26, p.A202-A205, 1993.

  42. S.I.Zheludeva “Investigation of organic LB film structure by various modifications of x-ray standing waves", Theses of VI international conference “Molecular films”. Canada, 1993.

  43. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov "Investigation of ultra-Thin Ni/C/Ni three-layers parameters by fluorescence measurements under total external reflection", Theses of III international conference “Surface X-ray and neutron dispersion”, Russia, 1993.

  44. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, ”Investigation of heat treatment effects î Ni-C bilayer parameters by long periodic XRSW”, Theses of III international conference “Surface X-ray and neutron dispersion”, Russia, 1993.

  45. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, N.E.Malysheva, N.N.Salaschenko, A.D.Akhsakhalyan, Yu.Ya.Platonov "New modification of X-Ray standing waves above the surface of layered substrates under total external reflection conditions for structural characterization of organic layers”, Thin Solid Films, vol.232, p. 252-255, 1993.

  46. E.Burattini, G.Cappuccio, S.Simeoni, I.Yu.Kharitonov, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, S.I.Zheludeva "Ultrathin film characterization by standing wave photoemission measurements", Synchrotron Radiation News, vol.6, ¹5, p.16-18, 1993.

  47. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, N.E.Malysheva, N.N.Salaschenko, A.D.Akhsakhalyan, Yu.Ya.Platonov "Investigation of heat treatment effect on Ni/C bilayer parameters by XRSW", Physics B, ¹198, p. 259-261, 1994.

  48. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, N.E.Malysheva, N.N.Salashenko, A.D.Akhsakhalyan, Yu.Ya.Platonov "X-Ray waveguide structures comprised of thin metal-carbon layers", J. de Phys. III France, vol.4, p.1581-1587, 1994.

  49. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, N.E.Malysheva, “Ultra-thin film investigation by X-ray total external reflection and fluorescence study”, Theses of II European symposium " X-ray topography and high-resolution diffraction ". Berlin, 1994.

  50. S.I.Zheludeva, “X-ray glancing incidence fluorescence for study of ion position in organic bilayers and multilayer structures”, Theses of the international conference “Molecular electronics and biocomputers”, India, 1994.

  51. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, N.E.Malysheva "X-ray wave-guide modes in layered structures", Theses V of a seminar “X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and spectroscopic methods”, Japan, 1994.

  52. S.I.Zheludeva, “Ultra-Thin Film Investigation by X-ray Total Reflection and Fluorescence”, Theses of the European symposium " Advanced achievements in a science and technologies with use synchrotron radiation ". France, 1994.

  53. E.Burattini, G.Cappuccio, V.Sessa, I.Yu.Kharitonov, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, S.I.Zheludeva "Thickness and density determination for Ni-C-Ni ultrathin film by photoemission and X-Ray fluorescence measurements under total external reflection", Materials Science Forum, vol. 166-169, p.337-342, 1994.

  54. M.V.Kovalchuk, S.I.Zheludeva "X-Ray standing waves at glancing incidence for overlayer characterization", Phys.IV, vol.4, p. C9-431-C9-437, 1994.

  55. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, N.E.Malysheva, N.N.Salashenko, Yu.Ya.Platonov, A.D.Akhsakhalyan, X-ray waveguide modes in layered structures ", Crystallography, V.40, iss.1, p. 145-158, 1995.

  56. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, N.E.Malysheva, N.N.Salashenko, A.D.Akhsakhalyan, Yu.Ya.Platonov, R.I.Cernik, S.P.Collins "New method of ultra-thin film characterization applied to the investigation of C/Ni/C structures under heat load", Thin Solid Films, vol.259, p.131-138, 1995.

  57. M.V.Kovalchuk, A.Yu.Kazimirov, S.I.Zheludeva "Surface-sensitive X-Ray diffraction methods: physics, applications and related X-Ray and SR instrumentation", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, ¹101, p.435-452, 1995.

  58. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, M.C.Petty, V.A.Howarth, R.I.Cernik, S.P.Collins "Ion permeation though Langmuir-Blodgett layers investigated by total external reflection and fluorescence study", Materials Science and Engineering: C 3, p.211-214. 1995.

  59. S. I. Zheludeva, M. V. Kovalchuk, N. N. Novikova, A. N. Sosphenov, M. C. Petty, V. A. Howarth, R. I. Cernik and S. P. Collins, Ion permeation through Langmuir-Blodgett layers investigated by total external reflection and fluorescence study, Materials Science & Engineering, C3 (1995) 211-214.

  60. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov "The role of film thickness in the realization of X-Ray waveguide effects at total reflection”, Advances in X-Ray Chemical Analysis, JAPAN, vol.26s, ð. 181-186, 1995.

  61. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk “XRSW method, its application and development”, V School on X-ray Diffraction from Polycrystalline Materials, Frascati (Rome) – Italy, October 2-5, p.289-319, 1996.

  62. M.V.Kovalchuk, S.I.Zheludeva, V.L.Nosik, “X-rays - from volume to a surface”, Priroda, 2, c.54-69, 1997.

  63. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, N.N.Salaschenko, E.A.Shamov, K.A.Prokhorov, E.Burattini, G.Cappuccio X-ray Standing Waves in X-ray Specular Reflection and Fluorescence Study of Nano-Films”, J.Appl.Cryst. 30, 833-838, 1997.

  64. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, E.Yu.Tereschenko, N.N.Salashenko, Characterization opportunities of multilayered structures in the region of total external reflection of X-rays at registration of fluorescent radiation ”, Surface. X-ray, synchrotron and neutron researches, 11, c.17-22, 1997.

  65. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, E.Yu.Tereschenko, Use of fluorescent radiation in the TER region for multilayered structures characterization”, Theses of conference RSNE-97, 1997.

  66. V. Kovalchuk, S.I. Zheludeva, N.N. Novikova, A.N. Sosphenov, N.N. Salashchenko, E.A. Shamov, K.A. Prokhorov, E. Burattini, G. Cappuccio, "X-ray Standing Waves in X-Ray Specular Reflection and Fluorescence Study of Nano-Films", J. Appl. Cryst., 1997, 30, 833-838

  67. Pb(1-x)Sn(x)Te-PbTe Heterostructures Produced by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Mica and Lithium Niobate. , Semiletov, S. A., Suleimanov, N. A., Rakova, E. V., Zheludeva, S. I., Nuriev, I. R. (1998).

  68. M.V.Kovalchuk, S.I.Zheludeva, A.Ya.Kreines, Yu.N.Shilin, N.Yu.Shilina, V.A.ShishkovModular goniometer set for hidh-resolution X-ray diffraction experiments using synchrotron radiation”, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys.Res. A 405, ð. 440-444, 1998.

  69. V.V.Lider, M.V.Kovalchuk, S.I.Zheludeva, A.Ya.Kreines, “Joint Russian - German experimental station high-resolution X-ray diffraction/dispersion on BESSY-II”, the Surface. X-ray, synchrotron and neutron researches, ¹8-9, p. 21-27, 1998.

  70. E.A.Sazontov, M.V.Kovalchuk, B.G.Zackarov, S.I.Zheludeva, “Method of a standing X-ray wave in studying structure of multicomponent garnet crystals”, the Surface. X-ray, synchrotron and neutron researches, ¹8-9, p.118-121, 1998.

  71. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, Definition of heavy ions position in organic layers with the help of fluorescence in total external reflection region”, the Surface. X-ray, synchrotron and neutron researches, ¹ 8-9, p.122-127, 1998.

  72. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, Research of multilayered periodic structures with the small period in full external reflection region”, Theses of conference RSNE-99, 1999.

  73. M.V.Kovalchuk, S.I.Zheludeva, I.V.Myagkov, E.Yu.Yur’eva, Yu.N.Shilin, N.N.Novikova“, Opportunities of studying protein-lipid films on a surface of a liquid with the help of characteristic fluorescence in full external reflection region of X-rays ”, Theses of conference RSNE-99, 1999.

  74. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, E.Yu.Tereschenko, V.V.Raddatis, N.N.Salashenko, “Definition of parameters of multilayered structures Ti/Ni in total external reflection region of X-rays, Theses of conference RSNE-99, 1999.

  75. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, E.Yu.Tereschenko, A.N.Sosphenov, N.N.Salashenko, Opportunity of characterization small-period multilayered structures in total external reflection region”, Works of conference “ X-ray optics - 99 ” N.Novgorod, 1999.

  76. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, E.Yu.Tereschenko, N.N.SalaschenkoTotal reflection for small d-space multilayer characterization”, Theses of XVIII International crystallographic congress in Glasgow, 1999.

  77. S.I.Zheludeva Total reflection x-ray fluorescence for small d-space multilayer characterization”, Theses of VI International conference “Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering”, Netherlands, 1999.

  78. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, A.N.Sosphenov, N.N.Salashenko, A.D.Akhsakhaljan, “New opportunities of a standing X-ray waves method for characterization the ultra thin layers making multilayered structures”, Surface. X-ray, synchrotron and neutron researches, V.1, p. 28-36, 1999.

  79. M.V.Kovalchuk, S.I.Zheludeva, Structural - sensitive spectroscopy of a condensed matter surface and nano-structure with the help of standing X-ray waves ”, the Surface. X-ray, synchrotron and neutron researches, V.2, p. 83-90, 1999

  80. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.KovalchukInterference phenomena in x-ray scattering. Physics, Methodology, Application to phase - sensitive measurements”, XIXth European Crystallographic Meeting, 25-31 August, Nancy, p.29. 2000.

  81. S.I.Zheludeva “Total external fluorescence and XRSW study of multilayer nanostructures”, XIX-th European Crystallographic Meeting, 25-31 August, Nancy, p.36. 2000.

  82. S.I.Zheludeva “Total external fluorescence and XRSW study of layered nanostructures”, Russian-Italian Workshop “Synchrotron Radiation and Nano-Bio-Technology”, November 18-21, ICRAS, Moscow, 2000.

  83. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova, E.A.Yurieva,I.V.Myagkov, L.A.Feigin “Fluorescence study at total x-ray reflection for characterization of organic nanostructures”, Symposium Surface science 2000 “Self-organization at Interfaces and in Thin Films”, February, 2000, ESRF, Grenoble.

  84. M.V.Kovalchuk, Yu.N.Shilin, S.I.Zheludeva, O.P.Aleshko-Ozevsky, E.H. Harutynyan, D.M.Kheiker, A.Ya.Kreines, V.V.Lider, E.M.Pashaev, N.Yu.Shilina, V.A.Shishkov “X-Ray instrumentation for SR beamlines”, Nuclear Instr. ànd Methods in Physics Research, A 448, p.112-119, 2000.

  85. V.Aksenov, L.Gyngasov, I.Ivanov, S.Zheludeva, M.Kovalchuk, M.Kovalenko, V.Minashkin, N,Scintee, V.Shaliapin, V.Skadorov, S.Tiutiunnikov “Universal energy-dispersive EXAFS spectrometer on the SR beam at the “Kurchatov Institute” National Center”, Nuclear Instr. and Methods in Physics Research,A 448, p.122-125, 2000.

  86. M.V. Kovalchuk, Yu.N. Shilin, V.A. Shishkov, V.V. Lider, S.I. Zheludeva. Double crystal monochromator for synchrotron radiation beam. - In: Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Current Status of Synchrotron Radiation in the World (Moscow, Kurchatov Institute, 9-10 March, 2000). Moscow, 2000, p. 57.

  87. V.V.Lider, M.V.Kovalchuk, L.V.Samoilova, S.I. Zheludeva. Diamond monochromator-splitter for synchrotron radiation beam with improved reflectivity. - In: Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Current Status of Synchrotron Radiation in the World (Moscow, Kurchatov Institute, 9-10 March, 2000). Moscow, 2000, p. 61.

  88. S.I. Zheludeva, Fluorescense study at total X-ray reflection for characterization of organic nanostructures, Surface Science 2000: Self-Organization at Interfaces and in Thin Films, February 11-12, 2000

  89. M.V. Kovalchuk, S. Zheludeva, Interference phenomena in x-ray Scattering. Physics, Methodology, Application to phase – sensitive measurements. Acta Cryst. (2000). A56 (Supplement), s29.

  90. V.V.Lider, M.V.Kovalchuk, L.V.Samoilova, S.I.Zheludeva, Yu.N.Palyanov, Yu.M.Brozdov, “Diamond monochromator-splitter for synchrotron radiation”, Crystallography, V.46, n.2, p.205-208, 2001.

  91. M.V.Kovalchuk, S.I.Zheludeva, V.A.Shishkov, D.M.Heiker, V.V.Lider, O.P.Aleshko-Ozhevsky, E.M.Pashaev, Experimental stations on a source synchrotron radiations RNC "Kurchatov Institute ". - In the book: XIII Russian conf. n use ñèíõðîòðîííîãî radiations (SI - 2000) (Novosibirsk, July, 17-21, 2000). Novosibirsk, 2000.

  92. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova “Total reflection X-Ray fluorescence study of organic nanostructures”, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol.56, p.2019-2026, 2001.

  93. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, O.V.Konovalov, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.D.Stepina, I.V.Myagkov, Yu.K.Godovsky, N.N.Makarova Characterization of Langmuir monolayers on water surface by X-Ray total reflection fluorescence study”, 25-29 August 2002, SAS 2002 XII International Conference on Small-Angle scattering, Venice, Italy, Conference Book G08, p.67, 2002.

  94. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.N.Novikova “X-Ray standing waves in multilayers”, XIX Congress and general assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, 6-15 August 2002, Geneva, Switzerland, Acta cryst. A58, vol.1, C40, 2002.

  95. V.V.Lepikhin, V.V.Lider, S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, V.I.Vologin, V.A.Shishkov, Yu.N.Shilin, The block of formation and control of X-ray radiation bunch for research of molecular layers on a liquid surface on a synchrotron radiation source Surface. X-ray, synchrotron and neutron researches, ¹ 12, p.21-24, 2002.

  96. S.T.Belyaev, A.G.Valentinov, S.I.Zheludeva, A.V.Zabelin, V.V.Kvardakov, M.V.Kovalchuk, V.N.Yupinov, “The status of the Kurchatov’s synchrotron radiation source”, Reports of XVIII Conference on charged particles accelerators of RUPAC-2002, Obninsk. 2002, V.1, with. 357.

  97. F.V.Afanas’ev, S.I.Zheludeva, B.G.Zakharov, R.M.Imamov, M.V.Kovalchuk, V.G.Kon, M.V.Kruglov, Yu.N.Shilin, “Structurally-sensitive X-ray spectroscopy of the condensed matter on the basis of standing X-ray waves method”, Crystallography, V.48, ¹6 (Appendix), S7-S29, 2003.

  98. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, O.V.Konovalov, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.D.Stepina, E.A.Yur’eva, I.V.Myagkov, Yu.K.Godovsky, N.N.Makarova, A.M.Rubtsov, O.D.Lopina, A.I.Erko, A.L.Tolstikhina, R.V.Gainutdinov, V.V.Lider, E.Yu.Tereschenko, L.G.Yanusova, “Possibilities of x-ray fluorescence in the region of total external reflexion for research Langmuir monolayers on a surface of a liquid and a solid substrate”, Crystallography, V.48, ¹6 (Appendix), S30-S42, 2003.

  99. N.N.Novikova, S.I.Zheludeva, O.V.Konovalov, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.D. Stepina, I.V.Myagkov, Yu.K.Godovsky,N.N.Makarova, E.Yu.Tereschenko, L.G.Yanusova “Total reflection X-ray fluorescence study of Langmuir monolayers on water surface”, J. Appl. Cryst. vol.36, p.727-731, 2003.

  100. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, O.V.Konovalov, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.D.Stepina, E.Yu.Tereschenko “Langmuir monolayers on water surface investigated by X-ray total reflection fluorescence”, Materials Science and Engineering, C 23, p.567-570, 2003.

  101. S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, V.V.Kvardakov, E.Kh.Muhamedzhanov, Yu.N.Shilin, V.A.Shishkov, S.A.Schetinkin, “Station Precision X-ray optics” on Kurchatov center of synchrotron radiation : the basic characteristics», Theses of conference RSNE-2003, p.515.

  102. E.Yu.Tereschenko, V.V.Lider, S.I.Zheludeva, V.V.Vologin, Yu.N.Shilin, V.A.Shishkov, “Project of “Langmuir” Station on SR source”, Theses of conference RSNE-2003, p.528.

  103. M.V.Kovalchuk, V.V.Kvardakov, S.I.Zheludeva, “Condition of works in the Kurchatov centre of SR.

  104. V.V.Lider, E.Yu.Tereschenko, S.I.Zheludeva, V.I.Vologin, Yu.N.Shilin, B.A.Shishkov, “Spatial position of a x-ray bunch control unit of experimental synchrotron station “Langmuir”, Surface. X-ray, synchrotron and neutron researches, ¹ 7, p.5-14, 2004.

  105. E.Yu.Tereschenko, V.V.Lider, S.I.Zheludeva, V.I.Vologin, Yu.N.Shilin, .A.Shishkov, “Project of experimental station "Langmuir" for the Kurchatov centre of synchrotron radiation”, Surface. X-ray, synchrotron and neutron researches, ¹ 7, p.15-23, 2004.

  106. V.Korchuganov, M.Blokhov, M.Kovalchuk, Yu.Krylov, V.Kvardakov, L.Moseiko, N.Moseiko, V.Novikov, S.Zheludeva, D.Odintsov, V.Rezvov, V.Ushkov, A.Valentinov, A.Vernov, L.Yudin, Yu.Yupinov “Operation and plans on the accelerator complex in Kurchatov center of synchrotron radiation”, Proceedings of RuPAC XIX, Dubna 2004, p.76-78.

  107. V. Korchuganov, Y.V. Krylov, V.V. Kvardakov, D.G. Odintsov, V. Ushkov, A.G. Valentinov, Y.L. Yupinov, S.I. Zheludeva, M.V. Kovalchuk. The Status-2004 of the KURCHATOV Center of SR. Theses of conference: “EPAC 2004 – Proceedings Lucerne, Switzerland.

  108. M.V. Kovalchuk, V.V. Kvardakov, V.N. Korchuganov, S.I. Zheludeva, “Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Center”, The 5-th Asian Synchrotron Radiation Forum in Saga, March 16-17, 2004, Tosu, Japan.

  109. M.A. Kalinina., V.V., Arslanov S.I.Zheludeva., E.Yu.Tereschenko “Inversion of selective binding of transition metal ions by Langmuir monolayers of amphiphilic cyclen”, Thin Solid Films, vol.472, Issues 1-2 January 2005, p.232-237.

  110. N.N.Novikova, E.A.Yurieva, S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, N.D.Stepina, O.V.Konovalov, A.L.Tolstikhina, R.V.Gainutdinov, D.V.Urusova, T.A.Matkovsraya, A.M.Rubtsov, O.D.Lopina, A.I.Erko, “Research protein-lipid membrane models with the help X-ray fluorecence techniques “,Surface, X-ray, synchrotron and neutron researches, ¹8. p.67-73, 2005.

  111. S.M.Alfimov, V.A.Bykov, E.P.Grebennikov, S.I.Zheludeva, P.P.Mal’tsev, V.F.Petrunin, Yu.A.Chaplygin, “Nano-technology - development in Russia”, Nano - and the microsystem technics. From researches to workings out. The collection of articles under P.P.Maltsev's edition, Moscow: the Technosphere, 2005 - 592 p., ISBN 5-94836-063-6

  112. N.N.Novikova, E.A.Yur'eva, S.I.Zheludeva, A.L.Tolstikhina, R.V.Gainutdinov, D.V.Urusova, T.A.Matkovskaya, A.M.Rubtsov, O.D.Lopina, A.I.Erko, O.V.Konovalov “X-ray fluorescence methods for investigations lipid/protein membrane models”, J.Synchrotron Rad.,12, 511-516, 2005.

  113. N.N.Novikova, S.I.Zheludeva, N.D.Stepina, A.L.Tolstikhina, R.V.Gainutdinov, A.I.Erko, W.Haase, Yu.G.Galyametdinov, “X-ray fluorescence in the region of total external reflexion for localisation of impurity ions microquantities in Langmuir films », Theses of conference RSNE-2005. p.243, 2005.

  114. V. Korchuganov, M. Blokhov, M. Kovalchuk, Yu. Krylov, V. Kvardakov, L. Moseiko, N. Moseiko, V. Novikov, S. Zheludeva, D. Odintsov. The status-2004 of the Kurchatov center of SR. - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 2005, vol. 543, p. 14-18.

  115. N.N.Novikova, S.I.Zheludeva, N.D.Stepina, A.L.Tolstikhina, R.V.Gainutdinov, A.I.Erko, W.Haase, Yu.G.Galyametdinov, “Structural localization of impure ions traced quantities in Langmuir-Blodgett films with the help of a method of standing X-ray waves”, Spectrochimica, Crystallography, V.51, p.1110-1116, 2006.

  116. N.N.Novikova, S,I.Zheludeva, N.D.Stepina, A.L.Tolstikhina, R.V.Gaynutdinov, W.Haase, A.I.Erko, A.A.Knyasev, Yu.G.Galyametdinov “Arrangement of trace metal contaminations in thin films of liquid crystals studied by X-ray standing wave technique”, Acta Part B 61, 1229-1235, 2006.

  117. V.L.Aksenov, M.V.Alfimov, E.P.Velikhov, S.I.Zheludeva, Yu.M.Kagan, N.A.Kiselev, G.N.Kulipanov, Yu.A.Osip’yan, A.Yu.Rumyantsev, A.N.Skrinsky, L.A.Feigin, N.A.Chernoplekov, ()”””Mikhail Valentinovich Koval'chuk (on his sixtieth birthday), Phys. Usp. V.49, 1105, (2006).

  118. N.N.Novikova, V.G.Kon, S.I.Zheludeva, “Standing X-ray waves in conditions of kinematic diffraction for research of multilayered structures”, Phys. Usp. V.49, 327, (2006)

  119. V.N.Danilenko, M.N.Preobrazhenskaya, S.I.Zheludeva, V.K.Shvyadas, A.A.Shtil’, Scientifically - the innovational Centre, IGGen RAS, G.F.Gauze’s Institute on research of new antibiotics, A.V.Shubnikov’s Institute of Crystallography RAS, faculty of bioengineering and biocomputer science of M.V.Lomonosov’s Moscow State University, N.N.Blohin’s Scientific Center RAMS. “Target search of the medical products overcoming stability, as the pilot project forming a consortium and innovational mechanisms », session of the Round table « Innovations in biopharmaceutics ». May, 29, 2006 in N.M.Emmanuel’s Institute of biochemical physics.

  120. N.N.Novikova, S.I.Zheludeva, N.D.Stepina, E.A.Yurieva, O.V. Konovalov, “Standing X-ray waves in total external reflection for research of process of self-organizing lipid-protein systems on a surface of a liquid subphase », Theses of conference RSNE-2007, p. 208, 2007.

  121. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, N.D.Stepina, E.A.Yurieva, E.Yu.Tereschenko, O.V.Konovalov «Organic monolayers and lipid-protein nanostructures on solid and liquid surfaces studied by TR-XSW technique», 24-th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM-24) (22-27 August, 2007 Marrakech, Morocco, Acta Cryst. vol.A63. p.220, 2007.

  122. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, N.D.Stepina, E.A.Yurieva,E.Yu.Tereschenko, O.V. Konovalov «Organic monolayers and lipid-protein nanostructures on solid and liquid surfaces studied by TR-XSW technique», poster MS25 P01, The 24th European Crystallographic Meeting ECM24, August 2007.

  123. E.Yu.Tereschenko, V.V.Lider, V.A.Shishkov, Yu.N.Shilin, S.I.Zheludeva, M.V. Kovalchuk « Synchrotron station "Langmuir" at Kurchatov Center of Synchrotron Radiation and Nanotechnology», poster MS37 P06, The 24th European Crystallographic Meeting ECM24, August 2007.

  124. S.I.Zheludeva, E.Yu.Tereschenko, V.V.Lider, V.A.Shishkov, Yu.N.Shilin, M.V.Kovalchuk «Synchrotron station "Langmuir" at Kurchatov Center of Synchrotron Radiation and Nanotechnology», 24-th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM-24) (22-27 August, 2007 Marrakech, Morocco, Acta Cryst. vol.A63. ð.255, 2007.

  125. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, N.D.Stepina, E.A.Yurieva, E.Yu.Tereschenko, O.V.Konovalov «X-ray standing wave technique at TR for study of biomembrane models and organic monolayers on liquid and solid surfaces», 12th Conference on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF 2007) (June 18-22, 2007 Trento, Italy), Abstracts, ð.72, 2007.

  126. M.A.Kalinina, V.V.Aslanov, D.S.Turygin,, E.Yu.Tereshchenko, S.I.Zheludeva, “Immobilization influence macrocyclic tetraamin in Langmuir monolayers on selectivity complexing”, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, volume 82, 4, April 2008, p. 725-731.

  127. S.I.Zheludeva, N.N.Novikova, N.D.Stepina, E.A.Yurieva, O.V.Konovalov “Characterization of lipid/protein systems on liquid surface by TR-XSW”, Theses of the international symposium, “Microfluidics for x-ray Nanoanolytics”, Graz, 2008.

  128. M A Kalinina, V V Arslanov, D.S.Turygin, E.Yu.Tereshchenko, S I Zheludeva «The influence of macrocyclic tetraamine immobilization in Langmuir monolayers on complex formation selectivity», Journal: Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, ISSN: 0036-0244, Vol: 82, Issue: 4, Date: 2008, Start page: 623


1. V.V.Lider, D.M.Kheiker, S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, V.A.Shishkov, Yu.N.Shilin, G.I.Dobrynin, “X-ray bunch formation device and crystal bend device”, the Patent 2260218 from 10.07.2003.

2. M.V.Kovalchuk, S.I.Zheludeva, V.L.Raevsky, V.N.Sytin, V.B.Semenov, “Pumping the vacuum chamber installation », the Patent for useful model 51137 from 21.07.2005.

3. N.D.Stepina, S.I.Zheludeva, M.V.Kovalchuk, E.A.Yur’eva, A.K.Khripunov, N.N.Novikova, “Way of formation albuminous films on solid substrates », the Patent ¹ 2317100 from 01.03.2006.